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Institute of Metabolic Science

Metabolic Research Laboratories

Research Interests

We aim to identify new molecules and pathways that play a role in the brain control of energy homeostasis, and thus reveal new potential therapeutic targets to tackle obesity. 

The approaches we have taken include:

Mapping the appetitive control circuits in the mammalian brain using single nucleus RNA sequencing (NucSeq) and spatial transcriptomics approaches. Genetic studies point to the brain, and in particular the hypothalamus, as having a crucial role in modulating appetitive behaviour, which has limited the mechanistic insights achievable from human research. The inaccessibility of the human hypothalamus has, to date, meant our understanding of circuitry controlling food intake has emerged primarily from murine studies. For example, arcuate proopiomelanocortin (POMC) and NPY/AgRP neurons are critical nodes in the control of body weight. Often characterised simply as direct targets for leptin, recent data suggest a more complex architecture. We were one of the pioneers in single cell profiling of mouse hypothalami (Lam et al, Molecular Metabolism 2017) and more recently, using single nucleus sequencing (NucSeq), the mouse hindbrain (Dowsett et al, Molecular Metabolism 2021). We integrated 18 separate single-cell datasets of the murine hypothalamus to create the 'HypoMap' reference atlas (Steuernagel, Lam et al, Nature Metabolism 2022). We have now combined both single-cell and spatial transcriptomic approaches to create a high resolution ‘spatio-cellular’ map of the human hypothalamus (Tadross, Steuernagel, Dowsett et al, Nature 2025)- read more.

I co-lead an MRC-MDU research programme (with O’Rahilly and Coll) on ‘Mechanisms in disorders of energy balance and body composition’. Highlights include identifying that a deletion in POMC is a key driver of obesity in Labradors (Raffan et al, Cell Metabolism 2016); generating the first mouse model recapitulating the hyperphagia seen in Prader Willi Syndrome (Polex-Wolf et al, JCI 2018); establishing that the frequency of MC4R mutations in a UK birth cohort is 0.3%, far more common than previously thought (Wade et al, Nature Medicine 2021); and uncovering that MC3R links nutritional state to childhood growth and timing of puberty (Lam et al, Nature 2021). Most recently, with my close colleague John Perry, we have identified new genes linked to adult onset obesity at the population level (Zhao et al, Nature Genetics 2024).

Molecularly characterizing, in human neurons, genes associated with changes in bodyweight identified from consanguineous pedigrees. 10% of severe human obesity currently has a monogenic cause. Thus, much of the genetic aetiology of severe obesity remains unknown. In an MRC funded collaborative project grant with Philippe Froguel (Imperial/Lille), we are studying the disease in consanguineous pedigrees. Froguel has recruited a cohort of >400 severely obese children from consanguineous families in Pakistan, in which homozygous mutations in the leptin-melanocortin pathway, identified by whole exome sequencing, explain ~30% of cases. We are currently molecularly characterizing emerging candidate genes that emerge from the screen in human neurons and mapping their expression in the human hypothalamus. In addition, we plan to explore the functional consequences of mutations in these candidate genes in hypothalamic neurons derived from human stem cells.

Group members

Ms Lucy Bedwell, DTP-MR PhD Student (Yeo) - lab203 at

Dr Irene Cimino, Research Associate, (Coll, O’Rahilly, Yeo) - ic326 at 

Dr Brian Lam, Senior Research Associate (Coll, O’Rahilly, Yeo) - yhbl2 at 

Dr Sheridan Littleton, Research Associate (Yeo) - sl2225 at

Mrs Kara Rainbow, Research Manager (Coll, O’Rahilly, Yeo) - kh271 at 

Dr John Tadross, Affiliated Assistant Professor (Coll, O’Rahilly, Yeo) - jt636 at 

Dr Loraine Tung, Senior Research Associate (Coll, O’Rahilly, Yeo) - lyct2 at 

Genomics Facility

Dr Marcella Ma, Research Associate and Facility Manager - mkm32 at 

Ms Hannah Rosekilly, Research Technician - hfr29 at

Research Funding





Key publications: 

Tadross JA, Steuernagel L, Dowsett GKC, Kentistou KA, Lundh S, Porniece M, Klemm P, Rainbow K, Hvid H, Kania K, Polex-Wolf J, Knudsen LB, Pyke C, Perry JRB, Lam BYH, Brüning JC and Yeo GSH. A comprehensive spatio-cellular map of the human hypothalamusNature. 2025 Feb 5. doi: 10.1038/s41586-024-08504-8. Online ahead of print. PMID: 39910307

Zhao Y, Chukanova M, Kentistou KA, Fairhurst-Hunter Z, Siegert AM, Jia R, Dowsett GKC, Gardner EJ, Lawler K, Day FR, Kaisinger LR, Tung YCL, Lam BYH, Chen HJC, Wang Q, Berumen-Campos J, Kuri-Morales P, Tapia-Conyer R, Alegre-Diaz J, Barroso I, Emberson J, Torres JM, Collins R, Saleheen D, Smith KR, Paul DS, Merkle F, Farooqi IS, Wareham NJ, Petrovski S, O'Rahilly S, Ong KK†, Yeo GSH†, Perry JRB†. Protein-truncating variants in BSN are associated with severe adult-onset obesity, type 2 diabetes and fatty liver disease. Nature Genetics 2024 Apr;56(4):579-584. doi: 10.1038/s41588-024-01694-x. PMID: 38575728 (co-senior author)

Steuernagel L, Lam BYH, Klemm P, Dowsett GKC, Bauder CA, Tadross JA, Hitschfeld TS, del Rio Martin A, Chen W, Solis AJ, Fenselau H, Davidsen P, Cimino I, Kohnke SN, Rimmington D, Coll AP, Beyer A†, Yeo GSH†, Brüning JC†. HypoMap – a unified single cell gene expression atlas of the murine hypothalamus. Nature Metabolism 2022 Oct;4(10):1402-1419. PMID: 36266547  (co-senior author)

Lam BYH, Williamson A, Finer S, Day F, Tadross JA, Gonçalves Soares A, Wade K, Sweeney P, Bedenbaugh MN, Porter DT, Melvin A, Ellacott KLJ, Lippert RN, Buller S, Rosmaninho-Salgado J, Dowsett GKC, Ridley KE, Xu Z, Cimino I, Rimmington D, Rainbow K, Duckett K, Holmqvist S, Khan A, Dai X, Bochukova EG,  Genes & Health Research Team, Trembath RC, Martin HC, Coll AP, Rowitch DH, Wareham NJ, van Heel DA, Timpson N, Simerly RB, Ong KK, Cone, RD,  Langenberg C†, Perry JRB†, Yeo GSH†, O’Rahilly S†. MC3R links nutritional state to childhood growth and the timing of pubertyNature 2021 Nov 3. doi: 10.1038/s41586-021-04088-9. PMID: 34732894 († co-senior author)

Loos RJF and Yeo GSH. The genetics of obesity: from discovery to biologyNat Rev Genet. 2021 Published online Sep 23 2021, PMID: 34556834

Dowsett GKC, Lam BYH, Tadross JA, Cimino I, Rimmington D, Coll AP, Polex-Wolf J, Knudsen LB, Pyke C, Yeo GSH. A survey of the mouse hindbrain in the fed and fasted state using single-nucleus RNA sequencingMolecular Metabolism 2021 53:101240. doi: 10.1016/j.molmet.2021.101240. PMID: 33962048

Chalmers J, Tung YCL, Liu CH, O’Kane CJ, O’Rahilly S, Yeo GSH. A multi-component screen for feeding behaviour and nutritional status in Drosophila to interrogate mammalian appetite-related genes. Molecular Metabolism  2020 Nov 23:101127. doi: 10.1016/j.molmet.2020.101127. Online ahead of print. PMID: 33242659

Polex-Wolf J, Lam BYH, Larder R, Tadross J, Rimmington D, Bosch F, Cenzano VJ, Eduard Ayuso E, Ma MKL, Rainbow K, Coll AP, O’Rahilly S, Yeo GSH. Hypothalamic loss of Snord116 recapitulates the hyperphagia of Prader-Willi Syndrome. (2018) J. Clin. Invest. 128(3):960-969. doi: 10.1172/JCI97007. Epub 2018 Jan 29 PMID: 29376887

Lam BYH, Cimino I, Polex-Wolf J, Kohnke SN, Rimmington D, Iyemere V, Heeley N, Cossetti C, Schulte R, Saraiva LR, Logan DW, Blouet C, O’Rahilly S, Coll AP & Yeo GSH. Heterogeneity of hypothalamic Pro-opiomelanocortin-expressing neurons revealed by single-cell RNA sequencing. (2017) Molecular Metabolism 6(5):383-392. PMID: 28462073

Raffan E, Dennis RJ, O’Donovan CJ, Becker JM, Scott RA, Smith SP, Withers DJ, Wood CJ, Conci E, Clements DN, Summers KM, German AJ, Mellersh CS, Arendt ML, Iyemere VP, Withers E, Söder J, Wernersson S, Andersson G, Lindblad-Toh K, Yeo GSH†, O’Rahilly S†. A deletion in the canine POMC gene is associated with weight and appetite in obesity prone Labrador retriever dogs. 2016 Cell Metabolism 10;23(5):893-900. (co-senior author) PMID: 27157046. PMCID: PMC4873617.

Tung YCL, Ma M, Piper S, Coll AP, O´Rahilly S and Yeo GSH. (2008). Novel leptin-regulated genes revealed by transcriptional profiling of the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleusJ Neuroscience, 28(47):12419-26. PMID: 19020034PMCID: PMC2650686.

Yeo GSH, Hung C.C, Rochford J, Keogh J.M, Gray J, Sivaramakrishnan S, O’Rahilly S and Farooqi I.S. (2004). A de novo mutation affecting human TrkB associated with severe obesity and developmental delayNature Neuroscience, 7(11):1187-9. PMID: 15494731.

Yeo GSH, Farooqi I.S, Aminian S, Halsall D.J, Stanhope R.G and O’Rahilly. (1998). A frameshift mutation in MC4R associated with dominantly inherited human obesityNature Genetics, 20(2):111-2. PMID: 9771698.

Professor of Molecular Neuroendocrinology
Scientific Director of Genomics/Transcriptomics Core
Department of Clinical Biochemistry
Honorary President of the British Dietetic Association
Giles Yeo

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