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Institute of Metabolic Science

Metabolic Research Laboratories

Background and experience


I am originally from Brisbane, Australia. I completed a liberal arts degree with a major in Chemistry at Yale-NUS College in Singapore.  

Prior to joining the IMS-MRL, I worked with William Piel at Yale-NUS College where we studied the prevalence of type 2 diabetes-related SNPs in human populations and correlated this with human migration over time.  

I also completed research at Yale University with Dr. Hanno Erythropel where we used analytical chemistry techniques to screen Juul e-cigarettes for compounds that would be harmful to users.

Working at the IMS-MRL

My current project relates to better understanding the mechanism by which insulin resistance is rapidly reversed in response to calorie restriction in obese mice.  



Key publications: 

Erythropel H.C., Davis L., De Winter T.M., Jordt S.E., Anastas P.T., Krishnan-Sarin S. Zimmerman, J.B. Flavorant–Solvent Reaction Products and Menthol in JUUL E-Cigarettes and Aerosol. Available online. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 57(3), p. 425-427. 

PhD Student
Savage Group

Contact Details

Email address: 