Research focus
My research focuses on the use of new technologies to improve outcomes for people with diabetes. We undertake randomised controlled trials to evaluate the efficacy and safety of automated insulin delivery systems for people with type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes and cystic fibrosis related diabetes in the outpatient setting. We also investigate the role of ultra-rapid insulins to enhance the performance of automated insulin delivery.
To broaden access to technology and improve outcomes, we have developed educational tools for healthcare professionals and users to get the most out of diabetes technologies and ultimately to support adoption and reimbursement.
Background and experience
My early experience in research was doing a basic science PhD during my medical training at Imperial College London as part of an MBBS/PhD programme. I investigated the role of novel neuropeptides in energy homeostasis. After academic clinical jobs at the University of Oxford and King’s College London, I took some time out of my clinical training programme for research in diabetes technology at the IMS-MRL with Professor Roman Hovorka. I completed my Clinical training in Endocrinology and Diabetes in 2023 during my Clinical Lectureship and have recently been awarded an EFSD / Novo Nordisk Foundation Future Leaders Award to investigate using intensive insulin therapy to achieve remission of type 2 diabetes.
Working at the IMS-MRL
My current research focus is an NIHR EME funded project exploring the role of closed-loop insulin delivery for people living with cystic fibrosis related diabetes (CL4P-CF study).