Research focus
The aim of research in my group is to find better ways to prevent and treat weight problems such as obesity. As a senior clinical research nurse, I support clinical studies within my group, especially related to the Genetics of Obesity Study (GOOS). We undertake clinical research studies in patients and volunteers and include experimental, translational and commercial studies.
Background and experience
Before joining the team, I worked at Addenbrooke’s Hospital as a Registered Nurse after completing my nursing training in South Africa. I worked in Renal Medicine and Endocrinology before I moved to the IMS-MRL to take up the position of a research nurse.
Working at the IMS-MRL
I oversee all day-to-day aspects of delivering our clinical research studies, including recruitment and coordination. I also supervise specialist tests measuring energy expenditure, body composition and eating behaviour. Another focus of my role is the support of patients who are enrolled on commercial trials.
With the help of many international collaborators, we have recruited over 7000 people with severe childhood-onset obesity to the GOOS study ( Our team uses a number of genetic approaches to identify networks of genes which cause obesity. We undertake physiological studies in patients and volunteers to examine the role of the relevant molecules in eating behaviour, energy expenditure and peripheral metabolism. More details about the study and our findings so far can be found on the website (link
Co-workers and collaborators
Translational Research Facilities (TRF)
Cambridge Clinical Research Facility (CCRF)