Research focus
My research interests lie in using computational methods to improve our understanding and treatments of metabolic and age-related diseases. This work is done in close collaboration with experimental and clinical researchers.
Background and experience
I am a computational biologist with a background in population genomics and evolutionary biology. I hold a PhD in Biological Anthropology from the University of Cambridge.
Working at the IMS-MRL
Currently, there are three main areas of focus. First, in a close collaboration with the Ong/Perry group I contribute to the development of a pipeline to run rare variant association analyses in the UK Biobank cohort. This work has great potential for synergies with the wider institute. It allows us to link data from a wide range of functional assays with robust human genetic evidence.
Second, I am providing data analysis support, mainly on genomics, for a range of projects across IMS-MRL. Third, I intend to develop a project on the intersection of ageing and metabolism.
04/2018 – first author paper selected for the collection “The best of the European Journal of Human Genetics 2016-2017”
02/2015 – Robinson Collge Bursary
02/2011 – 08/2012 - Member of the Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes (German National Academic Foundation) due to outstanding academic achievement