We regret that the full website is temporarily unavailable due to technical issues, which we are working to resolve as quickly as possible. We apologise for any inconvenience caused. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please contact us via the details and links below. Thank you for your patience.
Contacting the IMS Metabolic Research Laboratories or MRC Metabolic Diseases Unit
+44 (0)1223 336792
Institute of Metabolic Science-Metabolic Research
Level 4, Institute of Metabolic Science
Box 289, Addenbrooke’s Hospital
Cambridge Biomedical Campus
Cambridge. CB2 0QQ
Alternatively, email the Metabolic Research Laboratories or the MRC Metabolic Diseases Unit on ims-mrl@medschl.cam.ac.uk
Prospective Postgraduate Students
For further details about a PhD in Clinical Biochemistry, taught MPhil in Obesity, Endocrinology and Metabolism and Undergraduate opportunities at the IMS-MRL, please visit the IMS-MRL webpages.
MRC Epidemiology Unit
To contact the MRC Epidemiology Unit, which is also based in the IMS, please visit www.mrc-epid.cam.ac.uk
Cambridge Metabolism
To contact Cambridge Metabolism which is hosted by the IMS-MRL, please email aml95@medschl.cam.ac.uk
Other information
For all enquiries pertaining to the School's research activities, please contact the Research Governance Office by email on research_governance@medschl.cam.ac.uk
Clinical School recruitment
For Clinical School recruitment please email cshrstaffhub@admin.cam.ac.uk
How we use information
For all Freedom of Information or Data Protection enquiries please visit the University of Cambridge Information Compliance website.
To find out more about how we use research participant information, there is medical research participant information guidance on the University of Cambridge Information Compliance website.